Monday, January 25, 2010

To Cholula, With Love, From Dani

It has been quite a while since I have been able to sit down and get blogging. It's so weird, because I have actually had some people ask me, "Did I miss one?" And I just laugh and explain to them that actually I'm just getting THAT much busier as it gets closer to the wedding. Also work couldn't be busier lately.

So, I'm sure you are all dying to know. It's been a month. Has she given in to her inner fat girl yet? The wedding is right around the corner, will she fit into the dress? Well, first of all I feel I still have a great balance of eating really healthy during the day and then saving my indulgences for the evening. I still eat the same basic meals that I have talked about in previous blogs for my day time food, but as I have explained before, I really become a star in the kitchen in the late night hours.

Over the last few weeks I have come up with things like cubed apples covered in cinnamon and a packet of sweetener warmed up in the microwave. There have also been some 2% milk stirred up with some Midnight Moo (chocolate syrup from TJs) and perhaps a dabble or five of whipped cream on top. Did I mention that I am also really into making Mexican dishes at night? YUM. Just last night I made some veggie and flax seed chips that I covered in 1 tbsp bean dip (sprinkled about evenly), chipotle salsa (also sprinkled about evenly) and Mexican 2% cheeses (whatever your serving size is and maybe a sprinkle more). I started by cooking it on stove top. I sprayed my pan with some canola oil and then quickly learned that my chips were cooking at a MUCH faster speed then my cheeses. What to do? What to do? So I tossed it all off the pan and onto a plate. It was time for the microwave to finish the job. I have to say it was Mexican perfection for a white girl. I really would like to pat myself on the back for that one. OH! I can't forget to mention that I dip my chip concoction (nachos?) in light sour cream and cholula. Oh cholula, we have a secret love affair.

Side note. If you haven't tried cholula hot sauce before... Let me make a strong case for it. Spicy foods help your digestive track along. Wanna know why those pretty Japanese girls are so damn skinny. Its because they keep wasabi in their pockets like their momma taught them. Point being, cholula is spicy AND yummy. Both qualities that wasabi lacks for me. So let's connect the dots.. Spicy, tasty, VERY tasty and makes all meats taste even better. I know, I know. You are probably sold already. But here is the best part. Each 1 tsp of Cholula, or any hot sauce for that matter, is less than 5 calories per serving. Downside? All hot sauces are high in sodium, but if you monitor what goes in your garbage shoot like I do, you will know if it's ok to add some more of my girl cholula.

So, now that you know where cholula and I stand, you may be wondering how the gym and I stand. Well, I am still body bugging it up. I heart my body bugg forever and ever. I am also still addicted to the gym. However, since I have gotten very close to my goal size, I have changed my work out a bit. Here is brief review. I started out at 163 pounds in January of 2009. Today I weight 130 pounds. I have weighed 130 for probably the last 3 to 4 weeks. One might refer to this lovely phase in my program as a "plateau". I am beginning to think my body has said NO MORE. And is very specifically requesting to stay at this weight. That being said, I have begun to listen. Instead of doing so much cardio, I have been doing more weight training. I still have a bit of fat that I would like to turn into muscle, so they say that working out this way should accomplish that.

What am I doing now? First off, I only go once a day now. (I used to go to the gym twice a day. I'm a crazy, I know). When I am there, I do about 15-20 minutes cardio, a drop down from my old 30-45. I prefer the elliptical over all other machines. After that I do lots of different free weight exercises with my arms. I also use those controlled machine thingies with the weights. That's the technical term, right? I usually use these machines for my leg exercises and pull ups and other random arm stuff. After that I usually do some wall squats with a ball or maybe some sit ups on a ball. At the end I always always always stretch for a good while. If I don't my legs will feel like rocks.

Overall I feel that I have not let you guys down yet. In fact, I am hoping that at this time next year, I will still be maintaining what I have done. Dreaming big, I know. So it's about 2 months and a few days til my wedding. OHHHHHHH MY GOSH! How excited am I? Keep your fingers and toes and all other parts crossed so that I don't lose my mind. Until next time friends...

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The Moderation Station

So I went to a party last night where there was A LOT OF FOOD. Some of it was quite healthy. For example, vegetables, whole grain crackers, cheese, some kind of cous cous / pesto / chick pea / garlic deliciousness... but once I had some drinks in me, I slowly migrated towards my old favorite: chocolate chip cookies. Oh how I love them. How did I rationalize this obviously bad choice? Cheat night? More like cheat week. Sigh.

I have to say that my dear friend Melissa provided many options that were fine for me to enjoy and trust me I did load up my plate with peppers, cheeses and crackers and that fancy chick pea dip, but I was feeling dangerous, I guess, and allowed myself to feel free and have a cookie... or two... or three...oh well. I weighed myself today and it didn't cause a massive problem, so I am okay with my choices, I am just scared to log my food to see just how many calories I ate.

Oh, did I mention that I also snuck some potato chips, too? Also another old favorite of mine. It is so hard to resist them, so I had probably a handful over the course of the night. They were so good, but I will certainly regret it in a few moments when I log my food. Notice I blog first, log later. Sneaky? Perhaps.. I like to think of it as the calm before the storm.

I suppose my point is to let you all know that I do know how to enjoy myself every now and then, BUT in moderation. That is the key. I find if I allow myself to stand by that table covered in food, then I pick at it. On the other hand, if I make a plate for myself and go sit down, I am less likely to gorge myself and feel sick to my tummy. So I encourage you to do the same tomorrow and the next day and I suppose also on New Years. I feel that if you make yourself a plate and actually SEE what you are eating, you will be less likely to over eat appetizers and have a nice balance of booze and food.

I would like to ask that you keep my hips, thighs and tummy in your thoughts and prayers over the next few days. They are still crying for the gym and are starting to really wonder who I am anymore. I can feel it. So, while you are at church wondering when this lady will finish her damn children's story (oh wait, that's just us in vineland), throw in some kind thoughts for me, I beg of you!

I wish all of you happy and HEALTHY Merry Christmas!!!!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Conquering the Holidays

I have been really bad about blogging for my loyal readers and for that I apologize. Things have gotten SUPER busy lately. Between work and wedding planning, oh and a blizzard, I feel like my head is spinning. I am currently blogging to you from good ol' south jersey. It feels really good to be home and with some of my closest family and friends. The only trick has been attempting (and failing) to burn calories as well as attempting to stick to my food intake goals.

So far I feel like a frigging lump on a log. I haven't seen a treadmill since last Wednesday (12/16). Why you ask? Well, I had to pack my bags for my trip the following Thursday, got to new jersey Friday, went to a wedding Saturday that happened to be during a blizzard and then got trapped in Vineland (happily, I might add with two of my favorite people Brian and Jaime)... so point is, there has been zero time for me to focus on working out at all. No matter how many times people tell me I look great, I can't help but feel disgusting. I believe it is official that I am addicted to the gym. I miss it like a fat kid misses cake at fat camp. But I digress.

I have had some wonderful comments since being home. People tell me how nice I look, but can I be honest? It is still really hard to look at myself and see what they see. I still have this mental thing about who I once was and it causes this blushing moment whenever someone tells me how nice I look. Don't get me wrong, keep the compliments coming because it will only motivate me more, but half the time I just can't wrap my mind around this woman I am becoming... and I think I like her.

The most interesting part about not having seen some of these people in MONTHS is saying out loud how much weight I have lost. Are you ready? Since January I have lost a total of 33 pounds. Un-freakin-believable for me. Some are concerned it's too much, but they are the ones who I feel don't read this blog or understand that I am going about this a completely healthy way. But don't worry, I go into great detail with those folks about my program with body bugg and what I am doing and they quickly change their tunes. So if you are wondering what my end goal is here, I have set a new goal of 120 pounds by February and then I would like to maintain that for the duration of my life unless I get preggars. I met my original goal of 133 pounds last week and almost passed out cold due to shock and disbelief. Some may find me going on and on about this conceited, but for me its a bit of therapy and it helps me realize that what is happening is for real.

I just really have this overhanging fear of gaining tons of weight while I am here due to not being able to work out as much as I'd like. And you can tell me it's nonsense and to give myself a break, but for me relapsing on being over weight is truly a real fear and something that terrifies the crap out of me. So I think tomorrow I am going to steal my mother's work out tapes and see what magic I can make happen in her living room, if any. Try not to stair at the goofy girl through the windows. Hopefully next time I post, you will not hear me sobbing about all the weight I gained back over the holidays because I am truly determined to beat the odds. So Christmas eve and Christmas day gorge meals HERE COMES THE BRIDE. You will not own me, I will own you. So, neener neener neener.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Thanksgiving Trickster

I am willing to openly admit that I am a complete control freak. And since I am now trying to control exactly what I put into my body, I decided the best way to celebrate Thanksgiving would be to host it myself. That way I could make the food, and make sure that it was healthy. The only catch would be not telling any of the people I was inviting that they would be attending a healthy Thanksgiving. Yes, I know, this could blow up in my face, but read on friends.

First things first, we decided to do the turkey in a bag and also my dear friend Ali made another turkey for our 22 something guests by roasting it. So both turkeys were pretty much made in a healthy fashion. What's that you say? You want to know if I stuffed my turkey? Well, no, I did not. Instead I resorted to a recipe provided to me by another healthy eating friend, Kelli and did not put it in the bird at all. The recipe called for 7 slices of white bread an 7 slices of wheat bread, cubed. I decided to go all whole wheat because I didn't feel like buying two loaves of bread. Call me cheap, call me lazy, I call me health conscious. The recipe also called for lean turkey sausage, so I picked up a pound of Jenny-O's sweet Italian sausage which is super yummy and good for you too. And lastly the recipe called for mushrooms, celery and onions diced. I HATE mushrooms, so I replaced them with zucchini per the recipes suggestion. Also there are some additional spices involved. Lastly you throw all that together with some fat free chicken broth and bam, you've got yourself some delicious stuffing after you bake it for 45 minutes or so. And I do believe my guests enjoyed it and had no idea that it was whole wheat bread crumbs they were munching on.

Growing up, you may or may not be shocked to hear this, Thanksgiving was my least favorite holiday of all. Why? Because I hated food. Mostly anything that looked healthy or if it was something normal people liked, I hated it. SO turkey, salad, french beans, and anything else my aunt put on the table, I would poo poo it and not eat it. Instead, I would load my plate with a roll and butter (or two), mac n cheese, and mashed potatoes with OUT gravy. I hated gravy too. I was such a joy as a child. God forbid any of those things touched each other on the plate too. Anyway, if you know me, you know I can't have a big family meal with out mac n cheese. It's just not right. So, I decided to provide my guests with whole wheat shells mixed together with 2% cheeses, yogurt butter and 1% milk. I must say getting the milk to thicken was quite a pain, but once it was all done, we had a very tasty dish that yet again, the guests had no idea was better for them than the usual clog your arteries mac n cheese your grandma used to make. Well, at least my mom-mom anne did. And MAN was it good!

Of course for Thanksgiving you have to have your starches, am I right? Thanks to my biggest loser cook book, I was able to make Garlic and Chive Sweet Mashed Potatoes by taking the recipe in the book and multiplying it by 4. It's so easy and delicious, I want all of you to try it!! You take 2 lbs of sweet potatoes and boil those suckers up. My most favorite store, TJ's, as you know, sells them pre cut and peeled for the lazies like me. No excuses, friends. Whilst the sweet tots are boiling, go ahead and roast yourself some garlic by taking a full head of garlic, slicing off the top and pour a teaspoon of olive oil on that and then rap it in foil, throw it in the oven on 450 for 45 minutes. When the garlic is done, let it cool for a bit, then proceed to squeeze the oiled up cloves out of their shells (it's kind of neat how they almost fall out) and then mash them up into a paste. Next throw your garlic into the softened potatoes (which you have now drained of water), add your warmed fat free sour cream (3 table spoons) and your warmed 1% milk (1 tablespoon)and also your chopped up chives (really as many as you can stand, but recipe calls for about 3 tablespoons) and mix that all up with a hand blender. Wah-lah! You have delicious sweet mashed potatoes that are only 149 calories per serving. And no one you serve them to will be the wiser if you throw some extra salt on there. Trust me.

My most exciting Thanksgiving adventure was the homemade soup that I made with my mom. Did I mention that my mom helped me with all of this? I can't take credit for it all, I really couldn't have survived T-giving with out her. And Jimmy too, he was a really great kitchen assistant and I kept calling my mom my Sue-chef. Get it? Her name is Sue. I know, I'm super clever. Anyway, soup... So, I made some Butternut Squash and Granny Smith Apple Soup. Sounds intimidating, but it's really not that bad. I won't go into all the details like I did with the sweet tots, but if you are interested, let me know and I will shoot the recipe your way. However, I'd like to mention again that it came out really tasty for being my first stab at it and I don't think the guests were lying (I hope)when they said they loved it. This soup is only 135 calories per serving. Love that.

I also made some salad for everyone that consisted of spring mix, baby spinach, arugula, dried cranberries, crumbled feta, walnuts (not candied) and some low cal raspberry vinaigrette. Everyone seemed to really enjoy it which made me very happy. Also I decided to not make the traditional bean casserole and instead made French Beans and Sliced Raw Almonds that were sauteed with garlic, onions and some light soy sauce per a suggest from my future sister in law LouAnn. It was so delicious. I had never thought to throw the soy sauce on there, but it gave it just the right extra kick it needed.

Overall I think the day was a huge success. I had many people bring other side dishes, but was glad to know that they things I had provided I could eat and not worry about what it would do to my waste line later. There would be no buttons flying across the table and taking any ones eyes out this year. Not that this has ever occurred before, but it's just a nightmare I picture in my head from over eating. I am a nut! I hope that if you weren't able to do a healthy thanksgiving this year, that next year you can use this blog to make a healthy one for yourself! It is not that difficult, I promise you that and you will feel so proud of yourself once its all said and done. Also, if you are trying to maintain a slim figure for the rest of the holiday season, you might try doing any of these recipes for your holiday dinners! I know I am going to try too! Just don't tell anyone before they eat it!! That's the secret!!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

What are YOU munching on?

Dearest people who read my blog, I feel so sad that it has taken me so long to write another blog. Work has been so busy and getting ready for the wedding has also started to pick up pace. Only 5 months to go til the big day!! Yikes!! I couldn't be more excited!

Since I've started blogging about my weight loss, many people, even those who don't read this, have asked me what I am eating to lose weight and also what I do at the gym to work out. There really isn't much of a science to what I do, and I truly believe anyone can do it if I can, so I am going to share with you a few of the main meals and snacks I munch on and if you'd like to steal my ideas, please, by all means, do so!

So what does Dani eat for breakfast? It depends on if it is a weekday or a weekend really. I am super lazy so asking me to make something like eggs on a weekday is simply out of the question. Monday through Friday I generally stick to eating 55 grams of Trader Joe's Maple and Brown Sugar Shredded Wheat. That is what their serving size is and it is enough to fill me up until snack time. Also, it is very tasty for those of us with a slight sweet tooth in the morning. A more recent habit I have developed is drinking coffee in the morning. It is only 7 calories for about 8-10 ounces with 1% milk, and I know its a not so great habit to develop, but what do you want from me? I don't smoke cigarettes any more, so this helps me get going in the morning sometimes like the cigarettes used to. Now on the weekends, I have some more time, so I will sometimes toast up either whole wheat bread from traders or one of their whole wheat English muffins and slather the serving size of fat free cream cheese on it along with some jelly for flavor. That will run you about 200 calories or more depending on how much you put on of the toppings. If I am feeling really adventurous in the morning I have been known to make a delicious breakfast that consists of eggs scrambled with peppers, onions, cheddar cheese and topped off with ketchup. Yes, ketchup. You may not like it on your eggs, but this kid does. It's the Jersey in me I guess.

For some pre-lunch snacks, I usually munch on things like bananas or apples on work days. Also I have tried the Trader Joe's Organic Yogurts, which are very tasty and all are under 200 calories a pop. Another yogurt that I have tried and liked for snack time is Danon's 60 Calorie yogurts and they also have tons of yummy flavors. If you like carbs like I do, some other snacks that I like are Trader Joe's Light Kettle Corn. They sell it personal size bags, which i LOVE, and its only 100 calories.

I have a pretty generic lunch that I have been eating for most of my "get heathly" slash "life change" phase. It consists of about 2-3 ounces of baby spinach and then some kind of other vegetable mixed with it. Usually carrots or cucumber and I try to have about 1 ounce of those in the salad. I also measure out my salad dressing to the serving size and put it in a little zip loc baggie which makes it easy to poke a hole in it later and put it on the salad. Two of my favorite salad dressings are Trader Joe's Goddess Dressing and also Trader Joe's Spicy Peanut Vinaigrette. They are both SOO tasty. In addition to the salad, which can be 100-200 calories, depending on which dressing I use, I try to have a little sweet thing with it like a Quaker 90 calorie chewy bar. Those are so yum.

For my pre-gym slash before dinner snack, I usually again will have an apple or a banana. If it is a weekend, I am very likely to go for the whole wheat pita and hummus. Trader Joe's has these great mini whole wheat pitas that are about 60 calories for two of them and they are perfect for a little snack. Also I love Trader's Spicy Hummus as well as their Jalapeno Cilantro Hummus. It's all so delicious. Have I mentioned how obsessed I am with Trader Joe's? Another snack that I will make is a whole wheat English muffin topped with Trader Joe's pizza sauce, 2% cheese, garlic powder, and some Parmesan cheese. The snack all together is 350 calories if you follow all serving sizes and it is DELISH!

Dinner usually varies depending on who is cooking... but some of my favorites have been making grilled chicken (about 4 ounces) with broccoli sprinkled with Parmesan cheese, also lean steak of any kind with mashed cauliflower (tasted JUST like potatoes). Jim and I both love pasta, so we do make whole wheat pasta with some lean ground turkey mixed in every now and again and I just love that as long as its loaded with garlic. I am a garlicholic.

Lots of people don't eat late night snacks, but I feel late night snacking is where I really shine. I can get really creative late at night and usually its when I am most hungry of all. One time I made 1% milk mixed up with some Midnight Moo (Trader Joe's version of chocolate syrup -- its fat free!) and I topped that off with some whipped cream and that will keep you at about 200 calories for a delicious treat. I have also made some tasty late night quesadillas which consist of Trader Joe's whole wheat tortilla, 2% cheeses, serving size of bbq sauce, and 2 ounces of chicken. You just throw that together and put it on the skillet and it is sooo yummy. Also, the most recent late night treat Jim and I have found are Jell-O's mousse treats. We have tried the Caramel Creme and it is to die for if you like caramel flavor.

Well, I hope that gives you a pretty good idea of what I have been eating lately. If you have any questions for me feel free to ask me. If you are wondering if I've had any alcohol lately, the answer is yes, but only on the weekends and only have had vodka tonics with lime and light beer so far. I think I may have my first mid week drink this week for Thanksgiving, but it's a holiday, so we'll allow it, right? Also I would like to update you all on my weight loss, not to brag, but to inspire you. So far this year I have lost 27 pounds. I started this year a depressed 163 pounds and this morning weighed in at 136 and couldn't be happier. I hope to reach my goal weight of 125 by the wedding so keep thinking good thoughts for me and I'll keep sending good vibes your way too!! But seriously guys, it is truly amazing what I have done for myself. All it took was a little push from some friends and family along with some self dedication and I was able to do this. Which means, and yes I will say it over and over again, if I can do it YOU CAN TOO.

Hope all of you have a Happy Thanksgiving 2009!!!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Cheater Cheater Pumpkin Eater

As many of you know I am doing everything I can to eat healthy all the time. Well for Halloween instead gorging myself on the candy I bought for trick or treaters, I decided to handle things differently this year. We didn't buy any candy for the small children that never showed up to start. The evening went something like this:

Jimmy and I were hanging out on the couch per usual and he could tell something was wrong with me so he asked "what's wrong with you babe". I replied that it was so depressing to not have any treats on Halloween. That I felt very much like a big uncelebratory non candy eating loser. He asked me over the next few hours "well what can we do to fix it". I, of course, mulled over my decision, contemplating all the terrible things I wanted. My inner fat girl immediately went into full swing. She came up with some amazing ideas like cookies and cake and brownies. Mmmm. However new Dani kept interjecting and ruining things so I just couldn't decide.

So, we decided that we would just go food shopping and see what we found to fulfill my inner fat chicks desires. We went to Trader Joe's first. We got all our normal stuff but nothing there screamed out to me to have it as my treat. We left TJs and moved on to Ralph's.

We went immediately to the Ben and Jerry's section of Ralph's. Very dangerous terrain for my inner fat girl. I stared at the glorious labels on the small cartons of creamy goodness. Guilt set in, so I reached for the chocolate chip cookie dough light. I felt sad that it wasn't really a treat if it was light. I don't know which of us thought it first, but almost as if drawn by scent, we found ourselves in the candy aisle next.

What to pick? What will look best on my thighs after I devour it?? We settled on two boxes of Reese's pieces. One for me and one for him. Jim turned the corner but something else had caught his eye. He had found a bar that we had never seen or eaten before. It was much like a Hershey bar except in each square was Reese's peanut butter. I stared up at my tall fiance and said "we must have it" and without a 2nd thought grabbed it and ran for the register.

We went home and I measured out a serving size of the Reese's pieces. Pretty disappointing to see how little it was but in fairness one serving was 200 calories and I had ice cream and a candy bar to taste too. After that I went for the ice cream. I ate what my eye thought was 1/4 cup, the serving size. I have to admit I was beginning to feel pretty gross about eating all this crap, but just did not care. And of course we saved what we thought would be the best for last. We opened up the Reese's bar and I have to say it was quite anti-climatic. Not enough sugary peanut butter in a square. I had two squares, which was half the serving size for another whopping 100 calories. So in total I think I ate 500 calories, including the ice cream, of deliciousness. Mission accomplished. I was no longer a loser who did not celebrate Halloween and I felt like I had a really successful cheat day.

About an hour after feeling super satisfied with what I was able to consume, I felt sick to my stomach. Cheat day is not all that its cracked up to be after all. I do highly recommend them, because you really can't starve yourself of the good stuff all the time. That's just not fair. But I will admit that it may make your tummy feel upset if you eat lots of candy and ice cream like Jim and I did. Also it may cause you to force your fiance to throw your ice cream away the following day because you are not sure if you can control your urge to eat it again. I may or may not have done that. And my fiance may or may not have poured liquid dish soap on the ice cream before putting it in the trash should I decide to rescue it. We are still reviewing the tapes, so I'll have to get back to you about that. Ahh yes, these are the stories we will some day tell our children.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Standing Up or Sitting Down?

Today I started a new experiment with my body. I came into work and decided that this week I will stand up rather than sitting at my desk. I am doing this so that I can see what the difference is in my calorie burn for the hours I am at work from when I was sitting before. Thanks to my trusty body bugg, which counts my calorie burn, it makes this experiment much easier.

I am already starting to see a difference as I sit here blogging from the gym on my blackberry. So far today I have burned 100 more calories than last Monday when I was seated. I have also noticed that I feel less tired while I stand. One unpleasant element would be my soar feet and back, but if I remember right from my waiting tables days, this should eventually subside. Its so weird what a difference simply standing can make.

I managed to also raise an eyebrow or two with my standing up at my cube. I was asked by one person why I was standing today and if I had back problems. After explaining my little science experiment to them, they expressed that they thought what I was doing was neat. Its always nice when people find what I'm doing interesting. Then on the other hand I have the nay sayers. For example, I was pulled aside and asked again about my standing. But before I could really explain myself, I soon realized I had already been slightly judged by them saying "you know who used to stand all the time"... And I knew who they were referring to and am fully aware of how this person was not looked upon favorably by all at the office. The point is my judger thought it might deter me from standing. They were wrong. They also went on to suggest that maybe I should just go for jog during lunch if I am calorie counting. I laughed and made it very clear that I already do that.

The point is that no matter what you do that is different from the norm, people will always judge you, whether they realize that's what they've done or not. I will not sit down because someone is concerned that I might be compared to someone else who used to work here that wasn't well liked. That is just silly. So, I encourage all of you to do as you please and not to give a crap about others and their opinions. Because you know what they say, opinions are like assholes, everybody's got one and they all STINK.

Disclaimer: I do realize this person who tried to get me to stop standing up did it out of the kindness of their heart and do not discount them for that all.